I'm back in the trading scene! Well, I'm supposed to hold back till next year... but well, tomorrow is next year. hahaha.
I stopped for about 2 weeks or so and realised that some of my predictions I made came true! Unfortunately, I wasn't trading that period. Well, there are other opportunities around, so I'll keep my eyes peeled.
The wave counts this time round don't seem that clear to me, either that or I got rusty after my break from trading. But here are the entries I'd planned. If you notice, I had also started to record the risk/reward ratio of each trade under the remarks column. It is important to have a good risk/reward ratio so that your trades yield a positive expectancy.
One last thing, my confidence for the last trade is only for today. :P Will need to reaccess the charts once the prices unfold.
Good luck with your trades people!