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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Free 42-Page eBook: Find Trading Opportunities With Fibonacci

Elliott Wave International (EWI) has just release a free 42-Page eBook - How You Can Identify Turning Points Using Fibonacci. Created from the $129 two-volume set of the same name, it's available free until 30 Nov 2009.

I personally think that it is a good resource for those who are looking at Elliott Waves and Fibbonacci tools for your trading. And if you are interested, it appears that EWI is offering the second volume at $20, and I think it is a pretty good deal. You can always check out Volume One, and if you like it, decide if you would like to continue your education with Volume Two.


Sunday, November 8, 2009

Optimised Trend Volatility Line (OTVL)

I attended that Gold & Forex Masterclass 2009 yesterday. The speakers were very good and provided a wealth of information. Kudos to NextVIEW for putting the class together.

One of the interesting new concepts (it might have been around for awhile, but it was certainly new to me) was the use of the Trend Volatility Line (TVL) by Daryl Guppy for trade management (i.e. shifting of your stop loss).

Daryl didn't go extensively into the TVL, but since he is teaching it in his DVDs, I don't think it is appropriate for me to elaborate too much. So what I did was, google to see what information was publicly available, and found a nice little write up on the Optimised Trend Volatility Line (OTVL). Enjoy!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Bob Prechter: Bear Market Rally Is Over, Stocks Headed For New Lows

With the Dow Jones Industrial Average once again marching closer to 10,000, many investors, especially those who missed the rally since March, must be asking themselves: Is now the time to finally pull the trigger?

Robert Prechter, founder of Elliott Wave International, implores retail investors stay away… for now. Prechter, who was bullish near the lows in March, now says the stock market "is in a topping area."


Several factors:

- Slowdown in upside momentum. Recent intraday rallies are petering out before the close.
- Bullish Sentiment. Investors who were bearish near the lows, are now just as bullish after a 60% run in the S&P 500. To Prechter, "that's a dangerous place to be."
- General overvaluation of stocks.

Prechter, the author of Conquer the Crash, says this is akin to the market in 1966-74 or 1929-32, where massive bear rallies gave way to another "big leg down."

He's predicting another crash in 2010 that will bring stocks below this year's low. His word to the wise, "be patient, don't rush it" keep your money in cash and cash equivalents for now and wait out this bear market.

He thinks it'll be another 5 or so years before we turn the corner but the good news is when we do, it'll be the buying opportunity of a lifetime.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Currency Trader Magazine (Nov 2009)

The Nov issue of Currency Trader Magazine is out. Click here to download.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Get a FreeWeek of Robert Prechter's Forecasts

Eight months ago, the stock market began a very large rally -- the gains exceeded 60% in the S&P 500. Everyone knows this. But here's a fact that has gone virtually unreported: The vast majority of those gains (about 90%) were from March through August. By comparison, September and October were sluggish.

Yet the past two months have been the very time when the financial press has been the loudest about "green shoots," "recovery" and "new bull market." So the question is WHY -- why so much enthusiasm, even as the evidence literally fades away?

No one asks questions like this, never mind provides the answers. The one exception is Bob Prechter. And if most investors suddenly DID learn the details of his answer... well, the information would buckle their knees.

Prechter does of course provide a detailed answer in his current Elliott Wave Theorist. The latest Elliott Wave Financial Forecast expands on that answer. You can read both award-winning monthly market letters right now for free!

But let me be clear: The answer is in fact a forecast. What Prechter says is bigger and more important than these two publications. It could prove to be the most important forecast he has offered since the financial debacle began.

This moment -- today -- is the time to put yourself on the path to safety. You can now download Prechter's latest monthly market letter, The Elliott Wave Theorist, and its sister publication, The Elliott Wave Financial Forecast -- for free. Together, they provide critical analysis for the Dow, Nasdaq, S&P, gold, silver, bonds, U.S. dollar, the economy and more.

This amazing opportunity runs for a full week. It ends Wednesday, Nov. 11.

Learn more about FreeWeek, and get your free reports here.

Here's a sneak peak inside these two timely issues.

October 2009 Theorist What's Inside?

  • 14 eye-opening charts across 10 analysis-packed pages
    for today's most critical markets: U.S. stocks, gold and
    the U.S. dollar.

  • One chart you will NOT see elsewhere: It depicts a beautiful -- and telling -- fractal form
    in the past two years of market action.

  • Mounting evidence from trusted technical indicators: sentiment, advance/decline ratio and volume.

  • A decennial pattern in U.S. stocks that's held true for 10 of the past 11 decades.

  • An informative and useful section titled "Devising Trading Strategies."

  • Two and a half pages of gold analysis -- why lessons from the past likely provide ironies for the future.

  • Poignant analysis for the U.S. dollar.

November 2009 Financial Forecast What's Inside?

Special Section: The November Financial Forecast includes an eye-opening special section on Goldman Sachs. These new insights about one of Wall Street's most storied firms have broad implications for Wall Street as a whole. You will see a picture of Goldman's history plotted along a 100-year chart of the Dow. You will also learn how the same sentiment driving the market
today will drive the course of mega-deal makers in the future. This is a can't-miss special section.

Plus, you will get:

A thorough Elliott wave perspective on the stock market today -- what does Elliott tell us about the current juncture?

  • A telling bar pattern candlestick aficionados will recognize.

  • Valuable momentum considerations, including powerful evidence from a technical analysis method that tracks the distribution of stock from strong hands to weak.

  • A chart of dollar trading volume vs. GDP and the important analysis about it that you should see now.

  • And much more.

What's more, these are just two of the incredible free resources you get during this week only. You will also have completely free access to the most recent Theorist and Financial Forecast archives (September and October issues for each publication are currently available.) as well as the tri-weekly Short Term Update, which is designed to keep EWI's subscribers up to date between the monthly issues above.

Please don't delay. This special, limited-time offer from EWI is one of the most valuable free offers we've ever written to you about. It expires Nov. 11. Please follow the link below; sign up to join FreeWeek for free; print out your free reports; read them at your leisure. Do not miss this exciting opportunity.

Learn more about FreeWeek, and download your free reports here.

About the Publisher, Elliott Wave International

Founded in 1979 by Robert R. Prechter Jr., Elliott Wave International (EWI) is the world's largest market forecasting firm. Its staff of full-time analysts provides 24-hour-a-day market analysis to institutional and private around
the world.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

FREE Webinar Hosted by Adrienne Toghraie, Trader's Coach

There's an upcoming free webinar that you folks may be interested in. Cheers!

Stephen Bigalow
Candlestick Patterns that Produce Riskless Option Trades

November 3 - Tuesday - 4:30 pm EST
(Nov 4 - Wed - 5.30am Singapore Time)

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