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Saturday, December 8, 2007

Trades in Review

Well, not exactly reviewing my specific trades, but its been a bad Month for Nov and bad first week for Dec.

Nov 07 - Loss of $641.75, quite a painful drop.
Week 1, Dec 07 - Loss of $611.25, a more painful drop.

What happened such that I made approximately the same loss in the first week of Dec as the whole month of Nov?!

Firstly, I had been trading a much smaller volume the previous months, so gains are relatively smaller. In addition, I had the luck of making a few successful trades off the news. Some nearly gave me a heart attack, but generally, it went well as a whole. I have now increased my trade size, so each trade will yield me a larger gain or loss.

Secondly, this week had been bad because of the news! I had forgotten to remove my trade entries (TWICE!) for news events. One was because I didn't see the GBP interest rate announcement (due at 5.30pm while I was at work), and the other news was because I was tied up doing some work (yes... office work) and I got so absorbed I missed the news!

What does this tell me?? Well, either set my alarm for news events, or remove all trade entries if I know I'm going to be tied up with work or something. Painful learning experience, but I think I can recover from this.