But since I hadn't put up much charts in the past.... and I'm really been busy. Well, too busy to put up nice charts... but not quite that busy that I didn't trade at all. So for how, since I've had requests for updates on the blog.... I'll put up my uncleaned charts. I must say, I hadn't put that much time into the charts these days... so I won't be putting up a series of different time-frame charts up. So... what are the trades I'm looking at for the week?
Here are some charts, but please note that I'm disposed to change my opinion of the markets at any point of time. :)
Firstly... AUDUSD
Entry : Long at 0.9550
SL : 0.9430 (120 pips)
TP : 0.9900 (350 pips)
Entry : Short at 0.9880
SL : 1.0060 (180 pips)
TP : 0.9650 (230 pips)
The charts tell the story.
Next chart, EURUSD with two possible shorting positions:
Entry: Short at 1.5785
SL : 1.6060 (275 pips)
TP : 1.5380 (405 pips)
Entry: Short at 1.5885
SL : 1.6060 (175 pips)
TP : 1.5480 (405 pips)
Take care out there!